Faculty: Highly Ranked Globally
The Faculty has been consistently ranked as one of the top three departments in Germany. The Tilburg Ranking of Economics departments of the year 2016 ranks the department as number 27 in the world, number 8 in Europe and as number 2 in Germany.
Next to excellence in research, the Faculty also strives for excellence in teaching. It hosts an International Graduate
Program (IDK) on “Evidence-Based Economics”, funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria (ENB) and a Graduiertenkolleg on the “Microeconomic Determinants of Labor Productivity” (GRK 1928) financed by the DFG. Our strong commitment to teaching becomes evident by the number of prestigious teaching prizes awarded to members of the core faculty and by the regular successful participation in competition for funding for teaching concepts on the university, regional, and national level.
The faculty at LMU is committed to an intense supervision concept: Each student in the MQE will be assigned a mentor of the core faculty as well as a postdoctoral mentor, taking into account the student’s research interest.