Master in Quantitative Economics

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Acceptance to the program is based on the assessment of the candidate's suitability for quantitatively demanding graduate training in Economics.

Decision about suitability follows the admission statutes as approved by the Senate of LMU Munich, which states the following rules:

The basic entry requirement for the Master in Quantitative Economics is

  • the completion of a bachelor’s program in economics with at least a grade "good".
    • Candidates who did not complete their Bachelor in Economics at LMU Munich, can be admitted as long as it can be established that their qualification, in terms of content and method, is equivalent to the bachelor’s degree in economics at LMU.
    • A selection committee decides whether your qualification can be recognised as being equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in Economics at LMU Munich on the basis of the documents you have provided with your application.
  • GRE test score (Graduate Record Examination): 75th GRE percentile score (only quantitative reasoning section) is required. Upload a scan of your GRE results in the application tool, e.g. the test taker score sheet. Please avoid sending your test score through ETS. If you cannot provide GRE results by the date of the test of admission, you must take a written test of admission at LMU in Munich. You will be invited to the test with a two weeks' notice by e-mail.
  • Very good knowledge of English documented by either
    • a university degree acquired at an English-language institution of higher education or in an English-instructed program
    • or a university entrance qualification acquired at an English-language institution
    • or the result of the verbal section of the GRE general test (75th percentile or higher)
    • or another proof for proficiency in English of at least level C1 of the Common European Framework, see: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Given a positive evaluation of your documents as described above you will be invited to a personal interview.

Candidates will receive the invitation to the interview with one week's notice. Candidates who cannot come to Munich for the interview may apply for a video interview. Please note: if you do not show up to your scheduled interview without having given written notice of a valid reason for nonattendance, you will be automatically excluded from admission to the program.